Monday, December 9, 2013

To Be Continued

View over La Playa stadium this morning
I made it through the weekend before finals week and I am at work right now. The weekend was all about studying and resting. The doctor gave me some medecine that I have been taking this weekend and the ironic part is that those pills make me forgetful. That's a proven side effect. Isn't that great the one weekend when you need to study the most.
Well, the good news is that I'm feeling a little bit better, although I forget a lot of words and can't remember half of everything I read this weekend..

SF this summer.

But everyone; We made it through fall semester! It sure was a good one. I have so many great memories from this summer, San Diego, San Francisco, my birthday, LA, all the friends we have had visiting us, my sisters stay, all the dinners we've had, all the great parties, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so on..I could go on forever.

SF this summer.
I am ready for Sweden now though. I love this place with all my heart but nothing's like Sweden. It's my home and its where my family all super close friends are. And Christmas in Sweden is the best! It's snowing a lot there now, so I am excited to drink hot chocolate in front of our fireplace, get cozy on the couch under a blanket, listen to swedish Christmas music and eat all the Christmas candy. I love it! And it will be good for me to come home, and de-stress.

So this will be my last post for this year! Feels like it was yesterday I sat here by my desk and planned all the stuff around creating these student blogs. It has been so much fun, this is what I love doing. I am sure I will find a job that relates to social media in the future, because it really is something I enjoy doing.

Thank you for reading my posts, for commenting and for keeping me motivated this semester. I will be back in SB in mid January and I will continue blogging then.
Spring 2014 will be awesome, I'll see you all then!

Happy Holidays, Take Care and be Thankful for your loved ones!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Easy now.

freezing and feeling a bit bad for myself.
So an update on my health; I am not just imagining the symptoms that I felt, there is actually something going on inside my body that I feel like I have no control over. I went to the health center and I went to urgent care this week. I am choosing not to go in to detail about my condition but hopefully I'll be fine. Right now I just feel a bit low.

I know that stress causes health issues, and even though I haven't been feeling stressed mentally, my body sure is stressed out to a point I didn't know was possible. I need to learn how to de-stress and relax. I can't do everything and it's ok to call in sick every once in awhile when you're not feeling well and need a break. I need one now, that's proven. This weekend will be all about taking it easy, read, watch the christmas parade on state street on Friday night and try to go out for some walks. And of course, mentally prepare myself for finals.

I miss working out, I miss feeling focused. There is one thing you always learn when you loose your health, and that's the fact that you need to appreciate it when you have it. Don't take your health for granted.

my pretty pretty SB
I had my last lectures today and it feels so strange! Knowing that you will never be sitting in that classroom with those people again? It is sad actually. Because it has been a part of my everyday life for 16 weeks.
I have really enjoyed all of my classes this semester.

Well, not much has happened since my last post so I will keep on resting, and cross your fingers that i will be the same old me in no time! Thank you SBCC Health Care for taking my symptoms seriously!

And btw, I am know that I am so late on this one, but the app Bitstrips is hilarious!

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Listen to your body"

SB pier Saturday night
I have to be honest, I am not feeling very well. I have been having headaches, my heart is raising, I feel like I have trouble breathing, I am dizzy and I am extreeemly tired. Is it stress? Probably, but I can't know for sure, so my caring supervisor just said that I need to go to the health center because it is important to listen to my body, so I will do that!
Skyping with my mom and dad,
Thanksgiving night.
The health center at SBCC is located in the Student Services building on east campus and the staff is great! I have been there more than once to get medicine when I have been sick and their help is included in my insurance I get from SBCC.

Other than my physical condition, everything is great. I am getting excited about my flight back to Sweden but at the same time I feel a bit sad to leave SB. I can't get over the fact that all the best things happen at the end of every semester! So I am always bummed when I leave. But I know that I will have a great time seeing friends and family back home too, so I am all good.

At the Thanksgiving dinner
This long weekend was very, very, veeery long. Starting Wednedsay night with Hunger Games 2 which was awesome, I loved it and I can't wait for number 3! Then came Thursday and Turkey Day.
We had the most amazing dinner at the French Table, (and our graphic designer Melanie was so clever when she said that me and my friends weren't celebrating either Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving, but "Frenchgiving"). Haha, very funny.
Anyways, it was delicious, and our waiter was hilarious.

Pumpkin soup
Pumpkin pie
Traditional Thanksgiving meal

The rest of the weekend was very laid-back I have to say. I have been sleeping, napping, resting, and trying to eat iron rich food to get my focus back, but nothing really helps. I even stopped drinking coffee and I can really feel that, my body feels so heavy and I have a slight headache constantly.
I really hope I can figure out what I need to get the energized me back! I need it, for sure.

Fun fact; Me and Louise went to a christmas party last night at a friends house and one of the guests was the guy who holds the world record in longest motorcycle jump, 425 feet. That's awesome. We had some wine and chatted for a few hours before we went home and I fell asleep around 10 pm. Told you I'm tired..