Ok, I'm going to be deep in this one! But I have to share something that we are talking about in my english 111 class with Brett Land. Ever since that class started we have been talking about 'a hero's journey' and how in every movie, book, myth about a hero, they all share the exact same path. There is the hero in his/her home environment in the beginning, then something happens, "a call to adventure", as Joseph Campbell calls it, a detachment that sends the hero out on a journey. The second step is "initiation" when he/she goes through a series of rough obstacles during the adventure, before the hero eventually returns to the home, as a new reborn person.
This goes for every hero in fairytales, but it also happens to every single person in this world, if you listen to your "call to adventure". The stage that comes after that is always "the refusal of the call" and if you continue to refuse your call, you will never become the new much wiser version of you.
I keep thinking about my own journey as we go through Joseph Campbell's work in depth.
Back home in Sweden, when I had just turned 26, I was in a really bad place. I was negative, I didn't appreciate what I had and I certainly did not enjoy my life.
What happened to me was that I just got so sick of being this person that I decided to act. (I also got inspiration from a person that I hardly knew, that told me about his dreams and what I should do)
I knew that I had to do something that would challenge me more than anything I had ever done before.
What is more challenging than moving to the U.S without knowing a soul there?
My second day in SB, Jan 2012 |
Joseph Campbell says to; Follow your bliss. Follow what makes you happy. I had a childhood dream about living in California and here I am. I followed what I somehow knew would make me a happier, better and wiser human being. It has been HARD, I'll tell you that. I have been through some rough times here, both physically and mentally, probably most mentally but I am a new person today. I am not completely done here yet, but when I go back home, I know that it will be as if I have been reborn.
This is my journey, I am actually in this series of events right now and I am so happy. So happy to be a part of a time when humans are acknowledging what truly makes them happy. All the material things, the image of being rich, that job that you hate, the way too big house.. Ask yourself this: Do
you need a lot of money and material things to make you a better person? Or do you need people around you that inspire you, that love you, that you love, that you have fun with?
I am on the verge of changing what I thought was my future carrier drastically. Because if I could choose to do one thing my entire life that would not feel like "work" to me, it would not be a 9-5 job at a desk.
I wish you all a great weekend.