Monday, November 18, 2013

As our lives change.

Cabrillo blvd, Santa Barbara
All of the people I meet at this college always react the same way when I tell them my age. "No, you're not 28." "Stop lying." "Are you kidding me?!" etc. A lot of them say that I look so much younger, but I would say the main reason to why no one believes me when I tell them I was born in 1985, is that it's so rare to meet someone who is about 5-10 years older than the majority of this school.

It bothered me a lot in the beginning, and I didn't want people to ask how old I was. But I couldn't care less now. I am doing my own thing and if there is anything I've learned in life, it's that age is just a number. Such a cliche right, but think about it. I have gotten to know a lot of people during my time at SBCC; 20 year olds who act like they're 30 and vice versa. It's just a matter of what stage you are at in life, and I have close friends now that are from 22 and up. And I never ever think about their age. This is not because I am immature or they are overly mature, it's because we have found each other on similar stages in life.
Last picture I took of myself, early
 morning, before I went on the
 plane that took me to LA in Jan 2012.
This is from the hotel I spent that night in,
completely sleepless night..

When I lived in Sweden, I had my closest friends who I love dearly, and at one point I remember thinking that I didn't need more friends in my life. How weird is that? I rarely opened up to new people because I didn't consider myself in need of more people in my life.
And then I moved to Santa Barbara, entered SBCC and created a whole new life for myself with a bunch of new friends and a new city to get settled in. Talk about opening up to a whole new life huh..

Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara
One thing that I always used to have anxiety about in the past was all the goodbyes you have to say in life. I used to think a lot about people that I met while traveling, and about the fact that I would never ever see them again in my life. That made me feel so sad. I have learned to cope with that now, because of the simple fact that: It's a part of life. I have met wonderful people since I moved here, who no longer are in my life. Either because they moved to other cities or moved back to Sweden. The thing is, that I have learned to value the memories I've had with them, and remember what each and everyone taught me. Because you know what, you learn something from Everyone.

I guess what I want to say with this blog post is, don't be afraid of opening up to new experiences in life. You have so much to gain! And the most important part; It is NEVER too late to start over. I went back to school at 26, and I turned my life around to the better.

Ending this post with a great picture that I like to look at when I feel uninspired:

1 comment:

  1. Very strange but my friend & I actually enjoy your blog post and even stranger I live on the same street, I am planning a trip to Sweden and have question is there anyway to get in contact with you or could you email me
